Saturday, April 9, 2011

Secrets of Motivating Yourself

"People Who Are Unable to MOTIVATE themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive Their other talents." Andrew Carnegie

Motivating yourself is something quite important. When you fail or face challenges. Not always able to help people around you. Nothing you can rely on other than yourself. Which can only determine your own destiny is yourself.
People usually lose motivation because of three things:
1. lose confidence,
2. lose focus
3. lose direction.

That why, you should be confident that you will be SUCCESS and SUCCESS, focus again on what exactly you want and get back to where the direction your headed. But of course it’s need effort to change and re-excited!

The question is how do you get excited again? How to build self-motivation? Here are tips that you can apply:

1. Find Reasons

Find a reason why you should do it. Find a source of motivation. Discover why the greatest benefit you should get . This will make you do that separately inspire to continue despite facing many obstacles.

2. Have a dream - BIG DREAM

Find the reason why you should do something can be a source of motivation. But that was not enough. You have to realize in a big dream. Imagine a few years you'll be fine.
Imagine the World in the future. This will direct you. As football players, you must know who scored the goal which GOAL is your direction. Dreams must be something BIG that inspires you, but be realistic, you can achieve it.

3. Keep learning

"Stay hungry, stay Foolish" said Steve Jobs.
You not only need a course, but also requires a sense of "hungry" to get something. This hunger will be felt when you get more challenge. This makes you continue to learn from what your experience and there a wish to fight back.

How do you get a sense of "hunger"? This relates to the reason you do things and big dreams play an important role here. If you're feeling "tired", you will no longer motivated to do something. But the reason and your big dreams will inspire again the return of hunger.

4. Self-defeating

Comparing you with other people is something that will hinder your motivation. Although initially will increase motivation, but this should not last long.
Remember! You are different from others. You are you, that have their own strengths and weaknesses. The biggest enemy is your own. Have you got what's best for you?

5. Take one more step

When you meet an big obstacle, you will assume you will not be able to pass through. You may think you'll be hard to achieve your dreams. But this is precisely what distinguishes between losers and WINNERS. Namely COURAGE to PROCEED again.
When you face difficult situations, take one step forward. Do not think how you finish. Do not think of how many obstacles that will hinder. The focus in the next step. And be a WINNER.

6. Look at the future
Believe it or not, one thing that reduces the motivation is the experience of the past. The past can be a heavy burden to move ahead. This burden does not should you take . You should be able to place it. You may have large mistake in the past. But you will not do anything to change the past, all you have is now. Today is a new day. It doesn’t matter how dark your past. You still have a chance in the future. Good luck!

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